Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Pengertian Verb Phrase

Verb phrase berdasarkan traditional grammar adalah kelompok kata berupa main verb dan auxiliary verb-nya, sedangkan berdasarkan generative grammar adalah predicate  main verb beserta seluruh elemen yang melengkapinya: auxiliary verb, complement, dan/atau modifier, kecuali subjek kalimat.

Verb Phrase
Traditional Grammar
main verb
Generative Grammar
+/- auxiliary verb + main verb +/- complement +/- modifier


·                     Complement (objek kalimat)  dibutuhkan jika kata kerja utama berupa transitive verb.
·                     Modifier dapat berupa adjective, adverb, atau konstruksi lain yang berfungsi seperti salah satu dari part of speech tersebut.
Verb Phrase: Traditional vs Generative Grammar
Contoh Kalimat Verb Phrase
Verb Phrase
Traditional Grammar
Generative Grammar
He sleeps without a pillow.
(Dia tidur tanpa bantal.)
sleeps without a pillow
I will ask you a question.
(Saya akan menanyakan satu pertanyaan kepadamu.)
will ask
will ask you a question


Contoh-contoh verb phrase berikut berdasarkan  traditional grammar.
Keterangan: Verb phrase = bold.
Contoh Kalimat Verb Phrase
I enjoy swimming.
(Saya menikmati berenang.)
enjoy = main verb
You should see a doctor during pregnancy.
(Kamu seharusnya mengunjungi dokter selama hamil.)
should = modal auxiliary verb;
see = main verb
It has just been raining in Bandung.
(Baru saja turun hujan di Bandung.)
has, been = auxiliary verb;
just = adverb (modifier);
raining = main verb berupa present participle
That is yours.
(Itu milikmu.)
is = main verb berupa linking verb
He has worked at the office since January.
(Dia telah bekerja di kantor itu sejak Januari.)
has = auxiliary verb;
worked = main verb berupa past participle

Soal Verb Phrase dan Jawabannya
1.      Tika and I are going to visit our college friend tomorrow.
·      Are going to visit

2.      I have not met him yet
·      Have met
not (adverb) bukan bagian verb phrase

3.      He won’t have been sleeping long when you pick him up.
·      Will have been sleeping

4.      She is walking down the hill now.
·      Is walking
verb phrase berupa present continuous tense (auxiliary verb “be” + present participle)

5.      You should often clean your cats’ bowl.
·      Should clean
often (adverb of frequency) bukan bagian dari verb phrase

6.      Julia doesn’t hate working on saturdays.
·      Does hate

working (gerund) bukan bagian dari verb phrase
